Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Morning Scene!

I am linking up with Katie from Loves of Life for "Saturday Morning Scene". This is new to me but I figured now that I have my new Camera...I should take some fun pics on it!!
Ok so my morning started out at 0dark30 aka 6:30 a.m. when Kevin was getting ready for work and I realized I had left our roast out to thaw all night. So I ran to check on it and luckily it was OK. Kevin suggested I go ahead and start it, so I rummaged through the cabinet and realized I had everything but a packet of brown gravy mix. :::ARGH::: So I decided to run to the store to try to make it back before he left at a rush to get out the garage door I smacked the side mirror into the garage frame and knocked off and busted the mirror!
So, yeah...that's how my morning started! Not good! Hubby was pissed and I was all kinds of worried about 7 years of bad luck haha!
I went back to bed and prayed that Olivia would sleep in. AANNDD She did! Until 10!! WOO HOO! So we got up and had some breakfast. When she was done I asked her to "pick" what she wanted to do today...

When she finally "picked" where she wanted to go...
...She pondered her decision a while... while she pondered, I picked out and outfit for her...
...after she was dressed, I attempted to get a good picture of her...
...but obviously the excitement of her beloved red sparkly shoes won over a decent picture...
..."Olivia Look at Mommy!!"...
...instead she kicked her feet and watched the sparkles...
..."Olivia...LOOK at Mommy!!"...
...Oh this kid!!...
...FINALLY, one where she is looking at me...
We left for the baby and toddler fair and tootled around there for a while. I picked up a few things with her picture on it. You see, last year we went to this and they were looking for new babies to be on the new flyer for the fair, they picked her to be in it!! (can you blame them??)

There she is second from the left with the pink headband!
Here is the whole composition! This was (obviously) the flyer to show people where to put their tickets. I asked if I could have it for her baby book.
The picture was also on the fair map, and they will also put it along with the individual pictures up in the family birthing center!! I am such a proud momma!!
We took a tour of the birthing center and I'm not gonna made my uterus heart ache a little...OK a lot! I want another baby so bad but right now, I have got to get through this last year of school! We are thinking in November when Livvy is two we will start trying again.

When we came home the house smelled delish and our roast looked soo good!!

And that was our morning/afternoon! Hope you enjoyed it!!


  1. Hi!! I'm a new follower from The Saturday morning scene link up!! Love your blog and your little Olivia is TOO CUTE!!! :)

    I hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!!
